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About Us

What is simplygoodbooks?

If you love reading you've come to the right place.

My name is Christine and I have been a book lover all my life.

I'm always searching for recommendations for good books so I wanted to provide a place where these are individual and easy to find.

This is a recommendation site rather than a review site so we simply post short, personal videos and blogs offering our insights and personal responses to good books you may like too.

We also invite authors and book lovers to post interesting news and insight on the book world.

What constitutes a good book is such a personal thing.

The criteria we use is simply that it's a book which has been enjoyed by the reader and they want to recommend it to others. For more detail have a look at our Book Recommendation Policy page.

You may disagree with some of our good read choices but simplygoodbooks doesn't post negative book reviews, only positive reading suggestions.

We'd love to hear about your good book recommendations so email us with your suggestions.

Happy reading!

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